These projects are examples of the work that is done at our school. It is our record of what we have done and how to get there. Teachers can utilize this to display what they have done with their students, and get ideas from others teachers. Students can show their parents and friends the work that they have done, and the community can see how project based learning enables students to do and learn. Please enjoy the projects and videos.

Study of different Machine Learning algorithms for Fairy Tails classification by David O. Grade 7.

Prediction of Air Traffic in the USA using time series by Shahib B. Grade 8.

Study of Fairy Tails classification by hierarchical clustering by Ilya T. Grade 7.

Climate zones study using hierarchical clustering by Daniel B. Grade 5.

COVID-19 trends study by AT. Grade 10

Mall customer segmentation by Aynush A Grade 8

Sci Fi book created using ChatGPT and by Daniel B, Max B., David A. Grades 6-8

Air traffic prediction by Megan S. Grade 8

Simple stock trading system by Alex L. Grade 9